
Full range of histopathological examinations

for public and private medical institutions in Vinnytsia

* For other cities and regions, cooperation is possible if there is logistical support from the institution.

Full range of histopathological examinations

for public and private medical facilities

Why our lab?

Modern equipment and highly qualified specialists

High quality research at a reasonable price

Daily or individual (on call) collection of materials by our courier

Individual conditions of cooperation

Full logistical support


Our laboratory is designed to meet the needs of public and private medical institutions in high-quality and rapid pathomorphological diagnosis of diseases on biopsy and surgical material.

The laboratory performs a full range of histopathological studies , ranging from routine staining of hematoxylin and eosin to immunohistochemical studies, which allow to accurately verify the pathological process, determine the hormone dependence of tumors, predict the course of the disease and prescribe adequate follow-up. therapy.

Cooperates with us:
Research process

Material registration

Registration of material in the medical program. Assigning a unique number.

Preparation for the study

Registration of material in the medical program. Assigning a unique number.

Paraffin block

Registration of material in the medical program. Assigning a unique number.

Material cutting

Registration of material in the medical program. Assigning a unique number.

Staining of glasses

Registration of material in the medical program. Assigning a unique number.


Our specialists
Москалюк Тетяна Петрівна


Панасюк Володимир Іванович

лікар патолог

Зубик Ольга Миколаївна

медичний реєстратор

Третяк Інна Михайлівна

медичний реєстратор

Ткачук Леся Анатоліївна

медичний реєстратор

Бевз Володимир

лікар патолог

Свинарчук Лілія

старший лаборант

Бондар Анастасія

медичний реєстратор

Лисак Оксана Олександрівна


Хоменко Ігор

лікар патолог

Азарова Олена


Рибаченко Ірина

молодша медична сестра

Яремова Наталія Ігорівна

медичний реєстратор

Костюков Андрій

лікар патолог

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